⑴、查找、安装 quota
⑵[rootlocalhost ~]# find / -name qutoacheck
⑶[rootlocalhost ~]#
⑷[rootlocalhost ~]# rpm -qa | grep quota
⑹[rootlocalhost ~]# yum -y install quota-.-.el.x_
⑺Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
⑻Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
⑼* base: centos.ustc.edu.
⑽* extras: centos.ustc.edu.
⑾* updates: centos.ustc.edu.
⑿base | . kB :
⒀base/primary_db | . MB :
⒁extras | . kB :
⒂extras/primary_db | kB :
⒃updates | . kB :
⒄updates/primary_db | kB :
⒅Setting up Install Process
⒆Nothing to do
⒇[rootlocalhost ~]#
⒉[rootlocalhost ~]# quotacheck -avug
⒊quotacheck: Your kernel probably supports journaled quota but you are not using it. Consider switching to journaled quota to avoid running quotacheck after an unclean shutdown.
⒋quotacheck: Scanning /dev/sda [/home] done
⒌quotacheck: Cannot stat old user quota file /home/aquota.user: No such file or directory. Usage will not be substracted.
⒍quotacheck: Cannot stat old group quota file /home/aquota.group: No such file or directory. Usage will not be substracted.
⒎quotacheck: Cannot stat old user quota file /home/aquota.user: No such file or directory. Usage will not be substracted.
⒏quotacheck: Cannot stat old group quota file /home/aquota.group: No such file or directory. Usage will not be substracted.
⒐quotacheck: Checked directories and files
⒑quotacheck: Old file not found.
⒒quotacheck: Old file not found.
⒓[rootlocalhost ~]# quotaon -avug
⒔/dev/sda [/home]: group quotas turned on
⒕/dev/sda [/home]: user quotas turned on
⒖[rootlocalhost ~]# edquota -u vbird
⒗Disk quotas for user vbird (uid :
⒘Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard
⒚[rootlocalhost ~]# edquota -u vbird
⒛[rootlocalhost ~]# edquota -p vbird vbird vbird vbird vbird
①[rootlocalhost ~]# repquota -au
②*** Report for user quotas on device /dev/sda
③Block grace time: days; Inode grace time: days
④Block limits File limits
⑤User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace
⑦root --
⑧zxw --
⑨vbird --
⑩vbird --
Ⅰvbird --
Ⅱvbird --
Ⅲvbird --
Ⅳ[vbirdlocalhost ~]$ ll -h
Ⅴtotal .M
Ⅵ-rw-rw-r--。 vbird vbird .M Dec : cont.txt
Ⅶ-rw-r--r--。 root root K Dec : install.log
Ⅷ-rw-rw-r--。 vbird vbird .M Dec : v.txt
Ⅸ[vbirdlocalhost ~]$
㈠[vbirdlocalhost ~]$ nl cont.txt 》》 v.txt
㈡sda: warning, user block quota exceeded.
㈣[vbirdlocalhost ~]$ ll -h
㈤total .M
㈥-rw-rw-r--。 vbird vbird .M Dec : cont.txt
㈦-rw-r--r--。 root root K Dec : install.log
㈧-rw-rw-r--。 vbird vbird .M Dec : v.txt
㈩[vbirdlocalhost ~]$ nl cont.txt 》》 v.txt
sda: write failed, user block limit reached.
nl: write error: Disk quota exceeded
[vbirdlocalhost ~]$
[vbirdlocalhost ~]$ ll -h
total .M
-rw-rw-r--。 vbird vbird .M Dec : cont.txt
-rw-r--r--。 root root K Dec : install.log
-rw-rw-r--。 vbird vbird .M Dec : v.txt
[vbirdlocalhost ~]$ nl cont.txt 》》 v.txt
nl: write error: Disk quota exceeded
[vbirdlocalhost ~]$ ll -h
total .M
-rw-rw-r--。 vbird vbird .M Dec : cont.txt
-rw-r--r--。 root root K Dec : install.log
-rw-rw-r--。 vbird vbird .M Dec : v.txt
上面就是CentOS 修改磁盘配额限制的方法介绍了,本文主要介绍的是CentOS增加磁盘配额限制方面的修改,如果你需要减少磁盘配额限制不可使用本文方法进行修改。